Tub Time

Tub Time for J! On this particular Saturday J had worked in our yard all day. We had just put an above ground pool up and he had to tear down and re-build some of our patio fence that keeps the dogs off the patio and now away from the kids getting in the pool.
I sincerely hope we all recognize how much this man does for his family. I ran the bath and put bubbles in it as a joke. When I turned the jets on for him, the bubble just kept growing to where all I could see was his head. Since he had been in outside from sun up to sun down that day. His head looked really red and dark compared to the bubbles. The picture was just too good not to scrap. Also, it should keep us remembering what J does for us. Thanks J. We love you.
Can't believe he let you do that. K told me he would have to take the computer away from me. He would never tub anyway! Glad he finally relaxed for a change.
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