Scrapbooking (Again)

Went to my monthly scrapbook crop. MS didn't have her stuff to decided to help me. Thanks MS - I got more done than ever. This top one is my favorite. The saying just fits K's personality so well.

This one I was trying to look a little "classy" as classy as we down here in the south can get. It's the invitation to UAB scholarship reception. K's initial and mine and her dad's name tags being her guest. We are so proud of her.

This was just an easy picture of K - She was 11 here but we were having such fun. I was homeschooling her at this time.

This one shows you the 18 years difference. The first picture at the top (when her daddy and my hair was still black) was baby dedication at church 1991.
The bottom picture was the UAB scholarship reception (notice the gray hair and dyed hair). Eighteen years -- where did the time go?

I hate that blogger turned this picture on me. It has done it several times. This picture is of Kenna at two weeks old at church with her great grandmother. I love the way this very simple layout turned out. Sometimes the very simple ones are the ones I love.
Enjoy - there will be more to come with Graduation in May, and moving to College in August.
I understand your pain with her leaving soon. I too feel very old that she has blossomed into a beautiful young lady. I just wish and pray for her while she is gone and she remembers us when she is away. I will be glad to come hold your hand and give you a shoulder on the way home.
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