Last night at the montly crop
I attend I started working on a family picture for my aunt. My aunt has a wall full of family pictures from over the years and I really think she will love this one. I love the overlay with "Family" and "togetherness" written on it. (Thanks Whitney for showing me such neat things).
It is a picture of my family (Dad, Mom, Brother, Sister, Husband and all of the kids) at the beach minus my older sister (the smaller picture on the right).
My nephew was killed last July. He will always be a part of my life, I Love you Dustin (the middle picture on the right) and my grandmother died in Jan 07. Christmas was not the same without my Nanny (the top picture on the right).
I am very happy with how it turned out and really wanted to show it off, but since it is 11:53 PM I guess this is where I will be showing it off tonight.