Loveday's Day

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First visit to UAB

I got a phone call from K on Monday (9/14/09) to come to Bham. She was not feeling well. Took one look at K and drove her back to H'ville to visit our doc. Well, you guessed it. It was the flu.
We had K home for the week (with a dr's excuse of course). On Saturday it was time to take K back.

Lil Loveday had never been to UAB before so we thought this would be a good time. We got permission for her to go to K's dorm (no one under 16 allowed without permission). Anyway, we stayed maybe an hour. On the ride home I turned around and this is what I see (sorry about the pic's. I used my phone).

I guess college life is just to exciting!