Loveday's Day
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tanner Boy - He's no Charlie but..........
Went to see my brother yesterday. It's been a hard few day's since he lost his special Charlie boy. I had to make sure he was okay. He was indeed okay and so was a little homeless guy Jim has named Tanner.
There is no little dog who will ever take Charlie boy's place, but there is a new little boy who sure is loving the love and attention.
This little guy unlike Charlie really likes to play in the backyard. This is new to Jim, so we must do some work on the fence.
Enjoy your new life Tanner! You are loved!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Good Bye Charlie Boy - You Are Loved!
Why is it so hard to love something and someone?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Not in Alabama!!!!
Last Friday, a 14 year old boy shot another 14 year old boy in the head while they were changing classes at a middle school in Madison, Alabama. My heart breaks for both sets of parents. What is happening to our children? This young men should be playing ball or enjoying scouting. Not thinking of taking another one's life. The news states it is gang related.
Yesterday afternoon as Lil Loveday is practicing volleyball. K calls to tell me there is a shooting at UAH. It seems a professor (Harvard graduate). Did not receive tenure yesterday. She showed up during a faculty meeting and killed three professor and injured three more.
We live in Alabama. How is this possible? What is happening? My children will not have the chance to be innocent like I was. Already, in their short lives they have experienced 9/11 and school shootings. We need to pray, pray for our towns, our state and our country.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Update on Little Bit
Well, it's time for an update on Little Bit (Scout). His official name is Scout at the vet, but that is the only time he is called Scout. He answers to Little Bit and he has fit right into the Loveday household. He is seven months old now and he is loved dearly. A lot of TROUBLE but loved dearly.
Disclaimer: Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Love is blind.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Update from the Birthday Dinner
Well, a good time was had by all at the birthday dinner on Saturday....but....something was amiss. By this morning Wednesday there are reports of 12 people who came away with a nasty stomach bug.
We really don't feel it was food related as we all started getting sick at different times, with it hitting each individual differently. Ashton got it last night and did not even eat at the dinner. Mom was the last reported case, coming down with it this morning.
The good thing for some people, is the later it hit you the lighter case it seemed you got. Not good for me, Uncle Ken, Jim, Dad, Aunt Von, Chip, Kenna and Dasha.
This will be a birthday dinner to remember!