Loveday's Day

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Apple of His Eye

I am doing a Beth Moore bible study with two of my friends and Stepping up is a Bible study on the Psalms of Ascent. One thing that really stuck with me on this particular week was Beth referred us to Zechariah 2:8(NIV) For this is what the Lord Almighty says: After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that plundered you -- for whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye. Beth went on to ask the questions: When you feel attacked, how convinced are you that God is taking it personally and that you can trust Him to handle it as you seek and submit to Him?
What position do you tend to picture God taking with you? Is He against you? Does He just tolerate you? or God is for me.

I know what we all know with our heads that we have been taught God is for me, but do you really feel this way when you go about your day? When someone does something against you. Do you really feel as though you are the apple of His eye?

Just some food for thought.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Challenge Time Again!

I did not get to go scrapbook Friday night due to illness, but I got the challenge for the next month. I'm finished!!!! This one was really different from the others. At first I did not think I would like it, but I really did after it was finished.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Girls

This is Zoe. I rescued Zoe three years ago in November. I found her on I-565. Someone had thrown her out. She was pitiful! I talked my nephew (Dustin) into going back with me to help me get her. I immediately took her to the vet's. She has had two hip surgeries, which still did not repair all of the damage. She is so gentle and loving. While she loves the kids. She is very afraid of adults. J gave her the nickname "bonehead" and she is indeed HIS "bonehead"!
This is Lady. She is indeed one of the best dogs I have ever had. So kind and gentle in temperament, but gets her feelings hurt very easily. Lady was rescued from the pound 11 years ago. She has been a wonderful dog.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bubble Gum

Who remembers blowing bubbles with bubble gum? I you remember what happens when the bubble pops? Lil Loveday had just gotten through with her basketball game and one of the parents gave them all bubble gum. Well.....she has gotten very good at blowing bubbles but look what I found when I opened the car door!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pool Party

Lil Loveday got to have a pool party on Saturday. She had four friends over and had a good time. The water was very cool. I guess you could call it a semi-pool party. Some time in the pool most time out. Mrs. L and I got in the pool for a very few minutes, she was braver than I. It was VERRRY COOOLLLLDDD!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Birthday Book

FINALLY! I finished it. This is a little party book I put together for K's 17th birthday. It has been laying around waiting for me to put ribbons on the rings. I enjoyed doing this little book because it was simple and fast. On the inside are pictures of the family and K's friend A out at Logan's for her birthday dinner. Too bad there is only four months until her 18th birthday. Maybe I should start now on that one. What do you think?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

MaMa Mullis at the Olive Garden

I spent the last week in July in Charlotte, North Carolina visiting with my grandmother. We took her to the Olive Garden or the "Italian Garden" as she calls it. She turned 95 on July 3rd. I hope I am as sharp as she is at 95. I Love you MaMa. Bev--

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Betsy - This one's for you

This post is for my cousin "Lillie Bet". This is J swimming in our BLUE pool. FYI!!

Guess What We Got

Look what we got! You will see "Lil Loveday" and J in the pool after work and school. My picture is not that great because I am standing in the sun. The kids having been after us since we built the house to get another pool like we had at the other house. Well, we finally did it.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Again, a monthly challenge from the "queen of scrap" Mrs. Whitney ( I think she was expecting something more 4th of July....but...I chose to do my red, white and blue stars on Lil Loveday at her first Globetrotters game.

I used to get to go to the globetrotters game with my Aunt Lavon and my cousins Duane and Michael. I always had such a wonderful time. It was so funny. I'm glad that Lil Loveday is enjoying some of the same things that I enjoyed.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Well, here we are the first day of her senior year. She is so excited to be a senior! Her mom not so much. I'm excited to maybe have the moodiness calm down (so far this has not happened). Anyway, this picture was as she came home on her first day (her mood would not let me take it in the morning). Oh well, at least I have one picture of the first day (and she is smiling).